Unveiling the Power of Views Hooks in Drupal 9: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Views, a crucial module in Drupal, offers a user-friendly interface to create, display, and customize site content. However, there are times when standard features fall short. In such cases, Views hooks come to your rescue. This guide explores various Views hooks, complete with real-world examples, to empower you to create tailored solutions for your Drupal 9 site.

1. hook_views_api(): Declaring Your Views Module Version

The journey into Views hooks begins with hook_views_api(). This hook allows you to declare the version of the Views module your custom module will be implementing. While it may seem trivial, it's crucial for maintaining compatibility and ensuring that your custom module works seamlessly with different Views versions.

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3,

Here, hook_views_api() declares that your module is using Views API version 3.

2. hook_views_data(): Providing Data to Views

To make custom data available to Views, you can utilize hook_views_data(). This hook lets you define the data your module offers to Views. It's especially useful when you need to create custom tables and data sources that aren't natively supported by Views.

 * Implements hook_views_data().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_data() {
  $data = array();

  // Define custom table for Views.
  $data['my_custom_table']['table']['group'] = t('Custom Data');
  // Add fields and filters for the custom table.

  return $data;

In this example, you define a custom table for use in Views.

3. hook_views_query_alter($view, $query): Tweaking the Database Query

One of the most powerful Views hooks is hook_views_query_alter(). With this hook, you can modify the query conditions, joins, and more. This is where you exert fine-grained control over the database query that Views generates.

 * Implements hook_views_query_alter().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
  // Modify the query conditions or joins.
  $query->addWhere(0, 'node.status', 1, '=');

Here, the hook adjusts the query conditions by adding a condition to show only published nodes.

4. hook_views_pre_execute($view): Preparing for Query Execution

Just before the query executes, you have the opportunity to perform last-minute adjustments with hook_views_pre_execute(). Whether you need to modify parameters or fine-tune the query, this hook gives you that extra bit of control.

 * Implements hook_views_pre_execute().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_pre_execute($view) {
  if ($view->name == 'your_view_name') {
    // Modify query parameters.
    $view->query->addWhere(0, 'node.created', strtotime('-1 month'), '>');

This hook allows you to modify the query parameters just before execution. In this example, it restricts the result set to nodes created within the last month.

5. hook_views_post_execute($view): Post-Query Result Manipulation

Once the query executes, you may want to process the result set before it's displayed. hook_views_post_execute() is where you can sort, filter, or manipulate the results as needed.

 * Implements hook_views_post_execute().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_post_execute($view) {
  // Process the result set.
  foreach ($view->result as $row) {
    // Perform actions on each result row.

This hook processes the result set after the query has executed.

6. hook_views_pre_render($view): Preparing for Rendering

Before Views renders the output, it passes through hook_views_pre_render(). Here, you can make alterations to the output array, ensuring the final presentation is precisely what you desire.

 * Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_pre_render($view) {
  if ($view->name == 'your_view_name') {
    // Make adjustments to the output array.
    $view->result[0]->field_data_field_custom_field[0]['rendered']['#markup'] = 'Custom Text';

Here, the hook adjusts the output array just before rendering, allowing you to modify how data is presented.

7. hook_views_post_render($view, $output): Post-Rendering Modifications

Even after rendering, you have an opportunity to make further tweaks. hook_views_post_render() lets you process the rendered output, ensuring it meets your specific needs.

 * Implements hook_views_post_render().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_post_render($view, &$output) {
  // Process the rendered output.
  $output = str_replace('Original Text', 'Modified Text', $output);

This hook processes the rendered output to make further modifications.

8. hook_views_handlers(): Creating Custom Field, Filter, and Sort Handlers

When standard Views handlers don't quite fit your use case, hook_views_handlers() comes to the rescue. You can define custom handlers for fields, filters, and sort criteria, allowing you to display data exactly as you want it.

 * Implements hook_views_handlers().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_handlers() {
  return array(
    'info' => array(
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'YOUR_MODULE') . '/includes/views',
    'handlers' => array(
      'YOUR_MODULE_custom_handler' => array(
        'parent' => 'views_handler',

In this example, you declare a custom handler for use in Views.

9. hook_views_plugins(): Declaring Custom Plugins

Creating custom plugins for Views is a breeze with hook_views_plugins(). If you need a unique field, filter, or sort handler, this hook helps you declare your custom plugin to extend Views' functionality.

 * Implements hook_views_plugins().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_plugins() {
  return array(
    'info' => array(
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'YOUR_MODULE') . '/plugins',

This hook declares custom plugins for Views.

10. hook_views_query_substitutions(): Replacing SQL Query Parts

For making SQL query substitutions within your Views query, hook_views_query_substitutions() is invaluable. This hook allows you to replace placeholders with dynamic values, enhancing the flexibility of your Views.

 * Implements hook_views_query_substitutions().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_query_substitutions() {
  return array(
    'MY_VARIABLE' => 'replacement_value',

In this example, you define SQL query substitutions, replacing MY_VARIABLE with a dynamic value.

11. hook_views_data_alter(&$data): Modifying Data Definitions

Finally, hook_views_data_alter() gives you the power to alter the data definitions provided by other modules for use in Views. This is particularly handy when you need to add, modify, or remove fields and tables from Views' data.

 * Implements hook_views_data_alter().
function YOUR_MODULE_views_data_alter(&$data) {
  // Modify data definitions provided by other modules.


Views hooks are your secret weapons for fine-tuning, customizing, and extending Views in Drupal. With this guide, you've gained insights into the various hooks available, each serving a unique purpose in shaping your site's content display. By mastering these hooks, you can craft dynamic, tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of your Drupal project.

Further Reading:

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